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Thanet Passport Update - 6

Dear Colleagues


For any schools (excluding infant) wishing to enter KSG qualifying events in 2019/2020, it is a requirement that you read and complete the attached service level agreement. A preview of this document was read and discussed at our recent Thanet Passport network meeting. All colleagues were satisfied that the requirements were realistic and achievable. Any questions regarding this document, please speak with Stephanie Selsby, SGO sgo@ursuline.kent.sch.uk" title="Click to email sgo@ursuline.kent.sch.uk.


Please be aware that the invoices for affiliation to Thanet Passport for 2019/20 were sent out last week to all schools. The fees are unchanged at £200 for Infants and Small Schools and £600 for Juniors, Primaries and Private schools.


Attached are the details and entry form for the Inclusive 5-a-side football tournament at St Anthony's School on Tuesday 26th November at 10am. This is a new addition to our calendar and is completely inclusive of children of all abilities. Teams can be mixed gender but at least 2 players must have an EHCP or behavioural or learning needs, so your SENCO may be able to help with the team selection.

The event is sponsored by Ramsgate FC and the entry form should be sent to Stephanie Selsby, sgo@ursuline.kent.sch.uk no later than Tuesday 19th November.


Also attached are details for the Y2 Speed Stacking event which will take place at Priory Infant School on Thursday 28th November, 4-5pm. Schools must bring a team of 6 children consisting of 3 boys and 3 girls. Due to space, we are limited to 10 teams and entries will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis (one team per school).

If you wish to enter, please e-mail Steve Holmes on sholmes@priory.kent.sch.uk with the following information. Entries open on Thursday 14th November at 7.30am and close on Wednesday 20th November:

  1. School name
  2. Contact name
  3. Contact email
  4. Contact mobile number


The entry form is attached for the Rugby Tournament at Chatham House on Wednesday 4th December, 4-6pm. Please return this form to me, garybcrees@gmail.com , NO EARLIER than 7.30am on Thursday 14th November. Entries will not be accepted before this date and time. They will then be allocated on a first come first served basis. Closing date for entries is midday on Monday 18th November 2019.

SPORTSHALL ATHLETICS - Years 3/4 and 5/6

Please find attached the details and an entry form for both the Y3/4 and Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics events at The Ursuline on 30th November and 7th December respectively. There are 12 places available for each event which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Applications will NOT be accepted until 7.30am on Thursday 14th November 2019. To enter please return the attached entry form to Stephanie Selsby (NOT ME!), sgo@ursuline.kent.sch.uk , no later than Tuesday 19th November 2019.


There is a FREE Active English and Maths CPD course at The Ursuline on 5th December 2019, 9am-12pm. This is best aimed at English and/or Maths subject leads and PE and sport staff. Cover can be funded using your PE and Sport premium funding for any/all members of staff that attend. Please see the attachment for more details and email Stephanie Selsby, sgo@ursuline.kent.sch.uk , to book your place.


At the PE Networking meeting last week the attendees received a presentation from Fitter Future. Consequently they are offering all Passport schools a FREE trial of their programme up to 19th November. To access Fitter Future:-

  1. Visit www.fitterfuture.com
  2. Login as: School
  3. Username: Thanet
  4. Password: passport (all lowercase)
  5. When selecting a class in Get Active please select your school name.

The programme is designed with teacher ease in mind however the attached gives you a simple step by step guide to using the programme.

If you have any questions please drop Ian Webb an email, ian@fitterfuture.com , or call on 07596 22 36 13.


Well done to the following schools who have won recent Passport events:-

DW Girls Football Cup - Newington (who progress to the County Finals)
TPSFA Girls Football Cup - Palm Bay
John Curran Cup - Upton (who subsequently won the Kent Finals and now progress to the SE Regional Finals)
Super Saturday Football - St Peter's (x2), Newington, Garlinge (x2), Draper's Mills, Holy Trinity Ramsgate. Fair Play Trophy - Chilton
Speed Stacking - Y3/4 - St Laurence; Y5/6 - Minster
Passport Netball Cup - St Joseph's
Passport Netball Shield - Holy Trinity Ramsgate

Best Wishes

Gary Rees
Chairman & Administrator
Thanet Primary Association for School Sport