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Thanet Passport Update - 5

Dear Colleagues

Welcome back. I hope you had a good half term break and you are suitably refreshed - especially as there is lots to look forward to before Christmas.


Once again the Year 5/6 Dodgeball will be a Festival, rather than a Tournament, and the trophy will be awarded to the school that demonstrates the highest levels of honesty and fair play. No spectators will be allowed and parents should remain outside the building when waiting to pick up their children. The Festival will take place at King Ethelbert's Secondary School on Wednesday 23rd November 2022, 4-5.20pm, and there are 16 places available. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and applications will NOT be accepted until 7.30am on Friday 4th November 2022. To enter please return the attached entry form to me, garybcrees@gmail.com , no later than Friday 11th November 2022. 


Details for this event are also attached. This competition will take place at Priory Infant School on Thursday 24th November 2022, 4.15-5.15pm. There is a limit of 6 places for this event and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Entries should be sent to Steve Holmes, sholmes@priory.kent.sch.uk - NOT ME! The closing date for entries is Friday 11th November 2022. No parents are allowed to attend this event.


This event will take place at Chatham House Grammar School on Wednesday 30th November, 4-6pm. There are 12 places available. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and applications will NOT be accepted until 7.30am on Friday 4th November 2022. To enter please return the attached entry form to me, garybcrees@gmail.com , no later than Monday 14th November 2022. Parents are allowed to attend this event, but must park off site.

SPORTSHALL ATHLETICS - Years 3/4 and Years 5/6

Attached are all the details and entry forms you need for both the Y3/4 and Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics on Saturday 26th November and Saturday 3rd December respectively, 10am -1pm. There is a limit of 12 teams for each event and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Applications will NOT be accepted until 7.30am on Friday 4th November 2022. To enter please return the attached entry form to our SGO,  Stephanie Selsby, sgo@ursuline.kent.sch.uk  - NOT ME! The closing date for entries is midnight on Tuesday 15th November 2022. No parents are allowed to attend this event.


Schools are invited to sign up for a Handball Taster Festival which will take place at KIng Ethelbert's Secondary School on Friday 2nd December 2022, 4-5.30pm.  This is an opportunity for players to learn the rules of the game and improve their skills and for staff to have a go at officiating before the tournament in January 2023. There are no medals and no trophies on offer. The event can accommodate up to 12 teams which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and applications will NOT be accepted until 7.30am on Monday 7th November 2022. To enter please return the attached entry form to me, garybcrees@gmail.com , no later than Monday 14th November 2022. Parents are not allowed to attend this event.


In case you missed it, here is the latest Update from Stephanie Selsby, our SGO:-

Dear all, 

I hope you have all had a restful half term and are raring to go for the next. It was great to see so many of you able to attend the PE Coordinators meeting at Margate Tennis Club before the break, and of course take part in the FREE CPD on offer…some photos posted on Instagram @thanetschoolgames. 

Please see below for a summary of the points I covered, plus any links/attachments embedded.  

School Games Mark (KS2 only) *NEW Criteria*  
The new criteria is available to download from www.yourschoolgames.com . You will need to login (or create an account if you do not have one), hit the ‘School Games Mark’ tab at the top of the screen and a button will appear on the right hand side. 

All schools involved with Thanet Passport and receiving information from both Gary Rees and I, will be able to achieve the Bronze Award this academic year. I would advise all schools to focus their attention on the Silver/Gold criteria when planning ahead. You will be provided with support avenues throughout the year to be able to achieve all outcomes. 

Active 60 
Every primary school child should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day 
At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day 
To support you in delivering the above initiative in your schools, I will be offering the following:  
Twilight CPD – This will include a school audit, action planning, idea sharing and strategies to delivering the resource (2) in a staff meeting. These sessions would ideally include PE Leads from 3-6 schools that are either in a Trust, close geographically, already work together in some capacity or are trying to develop a link. 
Resource to share at a staff meeting (attached for those that do not wish to access CPD). 
Top Tips resource (collaboration with Lisa Sparkes, Garlinge - attached) 

The twilight sessions will be available on following dates: 15/11/22, 8/12/22, 14/12/22, 10/1/23, 11/1/23 . Please email me directly with your chosen date and the schools you will be grouped with and the host school so I can book you in. 

Barclays FA Girls Football in Schools Partnership (Registration and Pledge)  
Can ALL schools please register and pledge their support to equal opportunities for girls on www.girlsfootballinschools.org  - it will take less than 1 minute :)
Swimming Data Capture (KS2 Only) 
If you haven’t already completed, please take a few minutes to complete this swimming survey https://forms.gle/v6tDTtg1LFu1VLiPA I hope that all Junior/Primary schools in Thanet will complete, to provide a true picture of swimming in our district. The data will be used to encourage an increase in pool time availability, increase access to CPD supporting pupils with SEND and improve the quality of school swimming. 

I look forward to hearing from you, and please, any questions (however simple or complex), do get in touch via email/call/text/whatsapp...which ever you prefer or is easiest :)

Best wishes and thank you in advance

Stephanie Selsby

School Games Organiser (Thanet) |  Barclays Girls Football School Partnership Manager (Thanet) 

01843 834431 | 07854086775

My working days are Tuesday to Thursday


Please find attached my 2021/22 Annual Report to schools. This Report also briefly covers the period from 2019 to 2021, as during the Covid pandemic there seemed little point in producing an Annual Report. Please share it with your Headteachers and Governors. All previous Annual Reports can also be found on our website, www.thanetpassport.org.uk 


Happily the Passport affiliation fees have remained static for the past 5 years, but like everything else our costs have gradually increased and therefore for 2022/23 the Passport Committee have reluctantly decided that the fees will need to rise to £750 for Primary and Junior schools and £250 for Infant and Small schools. The fee per event for non-affiliated schools will also rise to £50 per event. As you know we are a non-profit making organisation, run by schools for schools, and this increase means that we will remain self-sufficient. It still represents incredible value for money, particularly as we now offer more events than ever before, as well as CPD opportunities, networking meetings and other benefits such as reduced gym memberships. Many other districts pay profit making firms far more for much less in comparison, and of course it remains eligible expenditure from the School Sports Premium, not to mention ticking that box for Ofsted. Invoices will probably be sent out to all schools in January 2023, but I will let you know when they are on their way so that you can alert your finance managers.

Best Wishes

Gary Rees
Chairman & Administrator
Thanet Primary Association for School Sport

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